New year, new blog!

Happy New Year and welcome to the BB Blog! This year I’ve set a goal for myself to start a blog and consistently share my work, experiences, learning moments, and more. We’ll see how this blog evolves but, my hope is that it serves as a way to connect with my community, share information, and allow you to get to know me a bit better. This blog will provide an inside look into my life as a farmer and florist and all of the behind-the-scenes details! Trust me, it gets crazy, but we love it.

At the start of each year, I feel excited for what’s to come. A new year means new challenges, trying new things, meeting new people, and more opportunities for growth. This year, I have so many plans for Beverly Blooms that I can’t wait to share with you all. For now, it’s prep time. January is always a major planning month. This means organizing seeds, making sure I’m stocked up on all the supplies and materials I will need for the coming season, carefully organizing my schedule for the season, working on design plans with this year’s brides, and much more. This season, I’m growing nearly three-times the amount of flowers I grew last season at Farm Kitchen, and I am offering CSA subscriptions for the first time. This means there is a lot more work to be done during the off-season, and a lot more preparation and organization needed to ensure success.

Going into my third season as a florist and flower farmer, my confidence has grown. I see what I’ve achieved so far and feel proud. Being new to something can often be nerve-wracking, but the best piece of advice I got when I was first starting Beverly Blooms was to not let those nerves stop me, stop overthinking it and just go for it. I wasn’t going to know everything about floristry or farming at the beginning, and of course I didn’t have all the answers, but I knew how hard of a worker I was and trusted that I would learn. So, I didn’t let the nerves get in the way and now I’m continuously inspired. The more I learn, the more I want to do and the more ideas I have. I’m learning all that I can about farming while also practicing floral design techniques and finding my personal style. I’m figuring out how I want my business to grow. I’m working to find the balance between weddings, farmers markets, CSAs, and other community events. All while remembering to take care of myself and have fun! It’s admittedly a lot for just one person, but passion and determination drive me to keep going. I also find strength in the love and support from those around me, so thank you to you all :)

It’s evident that starting and running a business is A LOT of work, with a lot of moving parts. Mistakes are made all the time, but lessons are then learned. I think that’s what I love so much about farming, floristry, and owning a business. It teaches me to keep going, keep trying, keep learning. It shows me that I can make it through challenges and solve unexpected problems when they arise (looking at you, Mother Nature). It teaches me how to take the pressure off of myself because some things are just out of my control, and I learn to accept that and adapt.

Seeing myself succeed and build a life that I love from my own hard work has been one of the most rewarding experiences, and as always, I am so grateful for my family, friends, and community for allowing me to show you who I am and what I do and receiving nothing but warmth and support in return. Because ultimately that’s what I see Beverly Blooms as, a reflection of who I am, a form of self-expression. It’s a desire to share with you the beauty that I see every day, and to bring joy to those who mean so much to me. It’s my way of filling my life with the people and things that I love.

So, here’s to another year of following this dream of mine and seeing where it takes me. Now that I am rested and refreshed after a December-long break, I’m ready to jump back in! Let the planning and preparation commence, I’ll talk to you next month when it’s all about Valentine’s Day and Sweet Peas!



February seeds are being sown