About Me

Hello! I’m Chase, a micro farmer-florist located in Poulsbo, Washington. I grew up on Bainbridge Island and lived a life immersed in nature. Whether it was climbing trees with the neighbors as a kid, spending time at the beach, yard work, or taking walks in the beautiful Grand Forest, I was always outside.

I went to college in Helena, Montana where I fell even more in love with the outdoors. I began to explore Montana and my surrounding environment more and became passionate about hiking, backpacking, and learning all that nature had to teach.

Through my adventures in the wilderness, I began to admire natural beauty in a different way. I started to see it as art. Greens and browns blending and contrasting as I walked through the woods. Mountain valleys painted in a rainbow of wildflowers. Various shades of blue rushing through rivers and oceans. I was inspired and had a whole new appreciation for the natural world.

As I started to explore nature’s beauty more, I found myself mesmerized by the flowers. Noticing them on every hike, bike ride, and dog walk I went on. The different variations and their vibrancy were incredible to me. I wanted to learn more and be around flowers as much as I could. I started taking pictures, learning all the names of different flowers, playing with store bought bouquets, and growing my very own flowers at home!

I worked in the event management industry for 5 years before I decided to turn my passion into a career. I learned so much about event planning and coordination and I experienced the excitement, and sometimes nerves, you feel on the day of an event. I wanted to take this knowledge and turn it into something that excited me, and thus, Beverly Blooms was born! Beverly is my middle name that I have grown to love, just as my love for nature and flowers has only grown since I was a kid. Combining that love with my value of community, and experiences in the events world, I feel as though I have found my place.

Now, I spend my time doing anything and everything to grow this passion and further my knowledge of flowers. Freelancing with other local florists. Creating floral pieces for any and all events or occasions. Collaborating with other local businesses and creatives. Getting my hands dirty and connecting with the earth through my farming at home and at Farm Kitchen. It’s truly a dream and it’s just the start!

The support of my community means the world to me. Thank you for visiting and supporting this small business!

Visit the BB Blog to learn more about me and what I’m up to!

Interested in helping on the farm? Want to learn all about flower farming? Beverly Blooms is looking for farm interns in 2024!

Beverly Blooms strives to be as sustainable as possible for all projects and through each phase of growing flowers. Efforts include composting and recycling, minimizing single-use materials, growing chemical-free and sourcing from the BB field and other natural local farmers.